A new tenant has arrived in the garden! |
Of course, part of the incentive for the playing is so I can get to know the new tenant in the sewing room. I must have been a good girl last year because I got this elna "excellence" for my birthday! I wanted a quickie project I could use to push lots of buttons and get to know how this machine and I will get along. (even thoughI've had an elna for years- and Love it!)
So I dug into the scrap basket and found some strips left over from old projects that went together nicely and decided to piece them all together and see what I got. I strip pieced, cut then pieced again, then used the bits I had cut off for smaller pieces- just playing! Here's what I ended up with.
OK, so what do we do with these?
Lime green of course!!!! So this is where I left off when last I had time to work in the studio. I had planned lots of thread work and embellishments, but now I'm not sure it will need much. Stay tuned.
For a "quickie" project, it has turned into kind of a major work, but the important part is I am just having so much fun doing this!
In the same issue of Quilting Arts where Mary read about ice cube dyeing, I found the article about finger paint mono-printing, which sounded like fun!
What will I do with them? Well, I just got this paper bag full of oddities to use in a project, so... who knows? I'll just play!
I am grateful for:
Regular rainfall allowing me to work at my own pace in the garden.
The wonders of nature I wouldn't enjoy if I weren't always out there pulling the darned weeds!
The people in my life who make even simple events special.
Time to play!
Being in a good place at work, finally!