I've been busy this week, but as I mentioned, I have nothing to show for it. So this post shall be a collection of random thoughts from the past week or so.
First and foremost, I need to say this:
Chan Gailey??? REALLY??? Is anyone impressed? Does anyone expect the Bills to be worth watching next year?? He's going to have to work very hard to get me in his corner.
So, here's where the time went, I think. Last Saturday was the monthly meeting of the
Museum Quilt Guild. I always enjoy the meetings, even though there are times I'd rather just stay home. This month was no exception. After two years on the board, this was my first meeting as a "civilian". I even voted no on something just to make sure everyone was awake. We presented our challenge quilts. This year's theme was "Initially Yours", where the colors had to be named with your initials, like
molokai blue and
melange green ( two of my colors). It was so fun to see how people dealt with limited palettes and if anyone made up names for their colors. One member used a color she found on a nail polish!
After the meeting, I over saw a project we borrowed from the
Tompkins County Quilt Guild; project Iron Quilter. Participants had two hours to create a project with supplies they did not bring. It was fun for most and frustrating for a couple, but they still made nice things! ( photos after the unveiling next month.) For me, the best part was sitting with my "almost sister" mary while the other sewed. ( I was there in an advisory/ cheerleading capacity)
Of course I spent the weekend watching football games. Well, I watched them until they got boring. I can only hope the championship games this weekend are more competitive than 34 - 3!!!
I went on an adventure with some friends on Monday. We had a plan that fell through so we made a new plan up as we went and had a ball!!!
I think time with friends is always worthwhile, no matter what you are doing, or who tries to spoil your day!
I was going to layer a couple of lap sized quilts to machine quilt. This is a major step for me, as I do not enjoy the machine quilting process. But I have been inspired by
Leah Day, to try it. Unfortunately, I was out of batting. I have been using the
Quilters Dream "Green" batting for a year or so now whenever I can. The fact that it keeps pop bottles out of the landfill makes up for the fact that it's polyester. It has a nice soft feel in quilts, doesn't beard and is even easy to hand quilt! If you haven't tried it, please do. Every little bit helps!
Lastly, I am somewhat inspired by my friend Kathi's "I have learned" section of her blog. I try to remember to be grateful for something in each day. So, today:
I am grateful that I slept well last night.
I am grateful that I don't have to cook this evening.
And I am grateful that I have friends who understand me and support me during the times I want to go hide in the closet.