Have I ever said how lucky I feel that I have a queen-sized dining room? (as well as expert assistance, as you can see above)
I did a faux pantograph design, which could have been more dense in some places, but it got the job done.
And, as it turned out, quilting more densely would have resulted in a bit of a problem. I used the rest of this to hand sew the binding.
So it's quilted and bound, and labeled. It will probably be donated somewhere along the line, unless I need a gift for someone before I decide I have a big enough pile to make the trip to the place I took them last time.
The label is made for a donation to the breast cancer care place I went last time in memory of my dear friend Jennie.
I also finished the placemats I pieced at retreat. They'll be part of a raffle basket for the fur ball. I'm looking for ideas for what else to put in the basket. They had a ton of wine baskets last year. I was thinking dinner fixin's, maybe. Suggestions welcome!
As of yesterday, the rules have changed in the US regarding protecting our climate. Some of the regulations will need to be re-written, so may not have an immediate impact. We can't wait and see what they do. Now, more than ever, it's important to make your voice heard. Call or email your representatives/ senators often. Then use the only thing that really matters to those in power- your money! Choose the more climate friendly choice for your energy supply, buy cars with higher fuel economy, or a hybrid, use less energy wherever you can. The responses I always get from contact with "my" congressman say "the government must ensure that any federal legislation truly improves our environment, while balancing the needs of our economic sector". So we have to show them protecting the planet and a good economy can coexist.
I am grateful for:
Comfort food
Play time with my grand babies
Birds singing in the morning
Some of my crocuses survived the late winter onslaught
Small progress on the UFO list