I've enjoyed some wonderful family time, though. Guy and Anna came home for Thanksgiving this year. What a blessing it was to have my whole family together for a holiday. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
We always do a family photo when we're all together, and this year's was especially fun! We tried several poses before getting one I loved. Kiara kept saying let's do funny faces. So before we all got up, we did one last shot where we all got silly. And that is my favorite shot!!! I even used it on a few Christmas cards!
While they were here, Anna and I had lots of time together. One day we went to Material Rewards in Dansville (my LQS). The next day I showed her how easy it is to make a great baby gift- the self-mitered receiving blanket. She was able to give it to Cait for the new baby before they left.
I think I've posted about the drawings on my fridge before. Kiara has figured out who "the bunny" was, but still goes tot he fridge to write notes. Jon had started to play along now, too. I forget what he said was in this drawing, but I enjoyed having it on the board. It has a sort of dreamy, Monet type feel to it.
The next time they both came over, we had a picnic lunch before we built a fort.
I think they were playing a game on the iPad.
I finished knitting this "Shawl in a Ball" (Lion Brand yarn) The tiy bit of yarn beside it is all that was left when I finished. Yay me!
I had started to quilt the big star quilt I made for my bed, using straight lines, as I think I mentioned before. I quickly discovered it was terribly unwieldy to try and do with the walking foot. So I have since done some stabilization quilting (in the ditch between blocks), so I can do it free motion. The lines won't be as straight or even, but it will get done a lot faster with less cursing. Sadly, winter may be over before it is finished. Especially since projects with deadlines keep butting ahead of it.
This is the state of my entry for the guild challenge as of a week or so a go. It's ok, I have a whole month....
I wish anyone who has stopped in to read my mental meanderings a very happy holiday season!
I am grateful for:
My family being all together!
Kids to play with.
A sweet and generous boss.
My husband doesn't mind eating leftovers.
I think my shopping is finally done!