But, on the off chance anyone is still stopping by to see what I've been up to...
I have been sewing when time and the weather allows.
I finished another one of those darned kits of the month. (this might be the one that prompted me to sign up for the series)

Last year when Anna was here, we decided to both make this quilt so I could help her build skills long distance. She is hand piecing, since she has little room to set up a sewing machine for any length of time. She likes vintage fabrics, so her version is more interesting than mine.

I discovered a couple of balls of "Boutique Unforgettable" yarn in my stash. A friend has been making socks with this yarn, so I decided to give it a try as a way to learn the "Fish Lips Kiss" heel method. See how the heel looks like a kid making a fish face? (You can find the instructions for $1 at Ravelry). I finished them on the plane ride out to Portland to visit Guy and Anna.
The high point of that trip was the zipline tour we did!
And, of course, I have to get my "Oma time" as often as possible.
On my work days, creative time is hard to come by. I started doing a daily doodle- à la google doodle- on a 2 x 3 chalkboard at my desk. A few people play along to guess what the subject is. This is the one I did for Jacques Cousteau's birthday a few weeks ago.
(Did you know he was the co-inventor of the aqualung underwater breathing apparatus?)
Since it's gardening season, I am also outside most days I don't work for at least a couple of hours. As usual, I got a great start on digging and replanting the weediest or most unruly spots. But then the "housekeeping" starts- weeds and more weeds, deadheading and trimming- and then it gets too hot and dry to dig. I have to keep trying to get the gardens I envisioned when I started.
So, if you're here, thanks for stopping by. I'll try to check in again before the Holidays. :-)
I am grateful for:
My family
Being appreciated
Smooth traveling
The rare good night's sleep
I love catching up with you here on your blog! Nice pictures and life activities. :-)