Monday, May 28, 2012

The most wonderful time of the year!!!!

June Calendar quilt
This time of year has always been my favorite. The "triple H" weather we are having already this year isn't, but I digress.  I just love that the flowers are blooming, the birds are nesting and the babies will be hatching soon, and the nights are still cool but the days are warm enough to be out enjoying the beauty all around!
I haven't been sewing much since the weeds are also enjoying this time of year.  But I did get this piece done in time- from Kim Schaefer's book.

I never have snapdragons this early, but aren't they lovely?

I am spending lots of time outside thanks to all the weeding and maintenance in the gardens.  Gardening is a lot like housework- it's never done!  But you get to be outside while you do it!
The first and only bloom on my Wisteria!

 A while back when I thinned and moved some iris bulbs, I had extras that I tossed out in the filed.  Imagine my delight when I discovered this hiding amongst the goldenrod!
My "happy place"

A busy little bee on the Salvia

When it gets hot outside, my goal is always to keep my house cool for as long as possible without the air conditioner!  I don't have much shade around my house to work with, so I rely on nature's AC at night and keeping the hot air out in the daytime.  Simple things like light reflecting window shades and well placed fans can make all the difference.   There are some great "green" tips for cooling your house and saving money here!

I am grateful for:
Hotdogs on the grill.
Cool and cloudy mornings
An Opportunity to learn something new!
Movies on dvd
On Memorial Day especially- the fallen and their families, who have given so much to the rest of us.

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