Monday, July 30, 2012

Finally getting something accomplished!

 Aren't these beautiful?   My boss gave them to me as a birthday gift.  She knows me pretty well, don't you think?
 I haven't had much time in the sewing room lately due to a number of--roadblocks is the best word I can think of.
But this week I managed to spend enough time to get the August quilt ready!   I used some orphan blocks in the outer border instead of the applique blocks the pattern called for.  I also used some fabrics I made when I played with paints for the flowers. 
Four more to go.  I may never do satin stitching again....
 What's going on here, you may ask?

Stay tuned.....
Same project.  It needed a lot of help.  I hope to be able to reveal it soon. Depends on there being good tv or a movie to watch (so it may be years!)

My green tip this time is a silly thing, but every little bit helps, right?  Did you know the average person opens the refrigerator 22 times a day?  This wastes a lot of energy as every time you open the door, the cold comes out and the fridge has to cool it back down.  So before you open the door, ask yourself what you need.  I take out all the ingredients for my dinner at once and make a pile of stuff to go back in when I'm done.  So I only have to open the door twice if I'm organized!

I am thankful for:
Bacon Cheeseburger and onion rings at Tom Wahl's
A nice chat with Guy
Kitten therapy (who could be in a bad mood in a room full of purring kittens?)

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