Tuesday, October 11, 2016

We all deserved better!

Last week, I downloaded what turned out to be the very last issue of Quilter's Newsletter magazine.  With almost no advance notice and no fanfare at all, the October/ November 2016 issue is the last issue of what was- for many of us- the first/ only magazine available when we began our journey as quilters.
I have been reading this magazine  since I started quilting in the early 1990's. It was full of great tutorials, wonderful patterns, eye candy and news from around the quilting universe.  I "met" many of my favorite quilt artists in the pages.  I have subscribed for over 20 years, and yet I received no notice of the magazine's end, except this page in the last issue.

Not only is this a disservice to all of the long-time readers of Quilter's Newsletter, it is an insult to the magazine itself!  We all held this magazine dear for many years.  We learned, we laughed at Helen Kelley's columns, we drooled over the award winning cover quilts.  We looked forward to getting each new issue, knowing we would find great information and inspiration inside!  And for all of that, all it gets is a side note in the last issue.  Badly done, F&W Publications. You had a chance to honor one of the greats, but you tossed it aside like a used napkin. 
Another example of the corporate mindset, I fear. Sad!

Tomorrow is the turn in day for quilts to be hung at the Museum Quilt Guild Show!!!!  I haven't had a huge feeling of excitement for this show until now- and now I can't wait!!  So you know what my next post will be.

I love finding news like this.  Fossil fuels must become a thing of the past NOW!!!  (I always hope to see that these places are in the US, though)

I am grateful for:
Minor repairs
Kind of good news from the GI
Not having to cook much this week.
Some of my former foster babies have found homes this week!
Sitting in the sun and enjoying its warmth for a change.

1 comment:

  1. The disappearance of this long-time highly esteemed magazine will have an impact on many of us. One of my quilts in the show this past weekend was a pattern published in QNM in 2006. I was going to send them a photo of my finished quilt after the show!


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