In winter, I am inside. I should probably get more done than I do, but I do finish a fair number of things between the holidays and the start of gardening season!
This week, I finished the last of my "Dill weed" projects. Below is the picture I posted when I started, and here is how they look now. It was meant to be an exercise in embellishing. But for me it was also an exercise in interpreting/ abstracting something I have seen.
This one is sort of a close up of the flowers, with the eyelash yarn representing the foliage.
This one is an interpretation of the oblong shape the blossoms take on when they are seen from the car on the side of the road.
And this one is really abstract- more about the fact that a group of these flowers has many sizes of circles and the way they play together. When I added the beads, I sort of thought of the flowers as being torn apart in a wind storm.
All of the fabrics I used were hand dyed by friends, or hand painted by myself . It was fun to USE some of those "special" fabrics at long last.
I also used one of my hand painted fabrics on the Paisley Feather Zentangle piece from the class with Laura A Cunningham last October. It's finished now! She suggested making it into a bag or pillow, but I don't want to cut it up just yet. I still need to get a better picture of it.
Did you DO anything to resist this week? I'm not sure I did. It might be time for another postcard barrage. It's nothing that will change the world, but every piece of mail that goes into the White House is catalogued. I like the idea of historians noting the number of letters and cards telling this particular president how much people were against everything he stood for!
I am grateful for:
Quiet winter days.
Cinnamon Oreo cookies which my boss provided at work.
Elastic waist skirts and pants (see last item :-)
Texting, which allowed my son to be there with us for the Superbowl last week.
Accepting limitations.
I love every one of the above photos. I envy your talent. I long for your free time to create. I am hopeful for sewing time in ... um ... well ... maybe April? Maybe. I'm keeping my mused fueled with ideas for the April grandbaby quilt. Pinterest is my friend. :)