Friday, November 29, 2013


I've been trying to get this post written all week, but I keep getting interrupted.  (Imagine the nerve of my boss expecting me to work- and my family wanting to eat!)
I went to the annual Quilts=Art=Quilts exhibit last weekend.  I have been going to this exhibit for around 15 years.  I was still a relatively new quilter when I first went.  At that time most of the quilts were somewhat traditional.  All were at least a quilt in the traditional sense of there being layers of fabric, batting, and fabric.

In the last few years, there has been a shift.   Many of the pieces are not very interesting, or technically well-made.  Some don't even seem to be quilts.   One year, the first prize winner was painted canvas.  It was top-stitched in some fashion, but does that make it a quilt?  This year, an honorable mention was awarded to what looked to me like a bunch of torn t-shirts.

 I started going to this every year as a way to stretch my own ideas and be inspired.  There wasn't much in this show to inspire me.  Next year, I don't think I will waste my time.  Sad.

They gave out a statement this year from the  prize juror about the awards.  He says, "The work I look at has to have a quality of establishing 'something,' of being energized by 'something,' that is beyond the artists initial expectations."  I'm not sure I understand that, but it sounds like the work has to make a statement.   I wonder if they base their decisions in part on the artist statement.  Because alot of the time, it seems like they take a mediocre or random piece, and assign it some personal or political meaning to make it more artistic.
I'll admit, I do not know a lot about art.  I don't get some art.  Jackson Pollock, for example.  The elephants at the zoo make similar "art". 
Art is purely subjective.  But with the word quilt in this exhibit,  the jurors  really should be considering quilt making techniques and design when making their decisions.  They seem to like work that is very scrappy with close quilting lines.  (In case you want to make something to enter.  :-)

There were pieces I liked in this show.  They stopped allowing photography several years ago and they do not offer a show catalog.  So many of the pieces I liked aren't available to view online.  Apparently they do allow some non-professionals into the show.  (oops, was that too snarky?)

This one was interesting more because of the  fact that the figures are created with cut outs of a gun shape (see below)

This piece was not awarded anything.

I liked this piece by Karen Schulz.  I wanted to say I prefer representational work, but that's not the case. 

The best in show, by Judy Kirpich was amazing, even though we kind of preferred her other piece, Anxiety no.7, Richard.

Afterward, we went to the RAFA exhibit in Clifton Springs.  We enjoyed that one much more!  I apologize in advance that I did not get the names of the makers assigned to the work. 

My "green" reminder this time is a simple request to bring your own bags when you do your holiday shopping.  One good sized bag when you go to the mall will hold quite a lot of stuff.   When it's too heavy to carry, make a trip to the car for another one!  You need a break anyway.  Stop and get a cookie or a hot pretzel on the way out like I do.  After all, you need to keep up your strength!

I am grateful for:
time to play in the sewing room
a face to face chat with mary
a quiet Thanksgiving day
Lots of leftover turkey for hot turkey sandwiches and soup!
Friends far and near

1 comment:

  1. I will be going to Q=A=Q Saturday. Since I like things untidy and dirty, I think I will like the show!
    Left message for Mary Lee but never heard from her in Cinci.
    The two of us should make a run down to sew with her.


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